19 May 2007

Install cURL and liburl on windows PC (other than 9x)

Copy and paste php447.Configure IIS to execute PHP files from php447/php,exe

Now copy and paste php_curl from php447/extensions to php447/, winnt/system, winnt/system32, winnt/

Now follow instructions from http://curl.netmirror.org/libcurl/php/iis.html.

It has detail information on:

- The extensions directory has not been set correctly in the php.ini file to fix it

- make sure there is the following line in your php.ini file extension_dir="c:\php\extensions\" (or the relevant directory string) (I put the \ on the end because php automagically puts in a / if its not there. I'm not sure if it has any effect tho. but it did change the warning messages I was getting.)

- Make sure the php_curl.dll file is in that directory. Note: the php_curl.dll is the PHP/CURL binding DLL and is included in the binary PHP download package for Windows.

- Also make sure that the files necessary for curl to run are in the system[32] directory [32] for non 9x machines. libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll make sure that the version of php_curl.dll, php.exe & php4ts.dll is the same (I found this out by running the installer. and then copying the php_curl.dll file from the zip package) to fix this replace all the files in the php install directory with those from the zip package. (theres only 3 or so)

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