22 May 2007

10 Advantages of PHP over ASP

Both ASP and PHP are languages used to build Dynamic Web sites that can interact with Databases and exchange information.

a. PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is an object oriented language. ASP is not really a language in itself, it's an acronym for Active Server Pages, the actual language used to programme ASP is Visual Basic Script or Jscript.

b. Online support is available for PHP while ms had dropped its support for ASP.

c. The PHP development team has an outstanding reputation for fixing bugs, and in order to streamline the process they even have an online system through which new bug reports can be submitted. Most bugs are resolved within 24 hours,

d. are a huge number of outstanding bugs in ASP which will probably never be fixed like ASP engine finishes its job of processing the code and then send the codes to users browser. From this point on words till again the page request comes back to server, there is no control of ASP on the page. So we should not expect ASP to perform some tasks which are likely to happen at the client browser end

e. PHP is both cross platform and open source, available for every major operating system and works with most web servers, while ASP works major on MS server.

f. You could make the point that PHP is a more mature language than ASP. ASP has only been around since 1996; PHP has been around since 1994, and has a huge base of developers working on it every waking minute of every day; bugs are usually fixed within minutes of being reported and new features are being integrated daily.

g. It is easily extendable by anyone capable of coding in C, and comes pre-bundled with more functionality than ASP could ever offer

h. Simple capabilities, such as FTP, data compression, file uploads, XML, MD5, encryption and email are not included in ASP and require expensive, third-party packages to be installed. All of this functionality and more are built right into PHP.

i. Complex functions such as dynamic images, IMAP, SNMP, dynamic flash, PDF, native access (non ODBC) to Oracle, Ovrimos, Postgre, Sybase, mSql, MSSQL, Ingres, Interbase and Informix databases, LDAP, and sockets, just to name a few, are available for free to any installation of PHP, but are not (and probably never will be) available with ASP.

j. ASP natively supports only Access and MSSQL, whereas PHP natively supports a huge number of databases.

k. MySQL is a database that PHP closely integrates with; it is a very powerful database that rivals Oracle in speed.

l. PHP, MySQL is free, and blows most other databases out of the water. Another hidden cost with ASP is the database angle; Microsoft expects you to develop using Access and when your webpage outgrows it, to switch to MSSQL, an extremely expensive option. What most people don't realize is how quickly you can outgrow Access.

m. While working with Access, you're technically limited to around 30 simultaneous connections, realistically it's closer to 5. Not many websites can survive such limitations. Most moderately sized websites require over 1000 simultaneous database connections. In addition, Access is SLOW. And you forego a lot of cool database functionality such as stability, transactions, replication, stored procedures, triggers, and so on. There are so many reasons not to use Access.

n. And finally, cost. PHP is free. ASP isn't free. If you want to use ASP, you have to use IIS, and if you want to use IIS, you have to buy Windows. Traditionally, the cost of Windows has been high. Microsoft has been aggressively trying to reduce this factor but they're hardly going to give Windows away for free. The cost of running an ASP-based website implies a full Windows server platform; development costs are higher, software licenses are expensive and speed, security and flexability are all sacrificed. but there are a couple of projects that allow ASP to run on other platforms and servers but guess what, most of them cost money.

o. PHP can be accessed by command peompt.

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