16 May 2012

Project management Highlights

Project managemnt - discipline or methodology of planning, organizing, maintainng resources to bring to successful completion of project goal.

Skills needed for project manager - communication skill, planning and execution skill, budget skill, conflict management, negotiation and influential skill, leadership skill, team building and motivation

motivation - success, appreciation, reward

adding value to project - project plan, clear functioanl / technical documents, sessions with team to understand project,. improve team's skill in techncial and soft skills, maintain team moral, resource backup and risk plan

strees - i would look at the circumstances and causes behind it.

PM tool - task management, time tracking, reports, client access

how to delivery fast  - keep team away from non value tasks during development and make them to focus only on development

large project - continuous feature delivery - to make progress fast and get things cleared in modules instead heavey review at end of month or weeks.

Project planning - work to be performed, goals, estimates for development, tracking, executing, delivery, alternatives, assumptions and constraints. do not assume - ask.

team motivation - how they feel for work load, what is most frustrating for them, their strength/weakness, people change when they are in that mood, to get commitment - you need to give commitment and get it done, create right environment for them, smile and encourage them daily, ask for help, remove roadblock, 

success ful project - on time and if within budget then it is most successful project

non productctive team member - find out why? Explain them about expectations and their responsibility while working in office, 

SDLC - initiation, concept / analysis, planning, requirement analysis, design, development, integration/test, implementation, operation/maintenance, disposition

Red Project - can only be because of issues in requirement, time, communication management. Identify those and take corrective steps. Let client too know about it. It is a time to show actions and not words.

zero date - effective start of project

Extreme - is a agile process to improve software quality 

Project management styles - normally two types like process oriented (decide, communicate and implemenent) and people oriented (communicate, decide and then implement).

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