28 May 2012

5 ways to impress your boss - Ref Yahoo

To impress your boss and get your work done efficiently, begin by prioritizing your workload. This will mean different things for different people. Perhaps you need to cut checks that are due on Friday. If it's now Thursday, you should focus on this task rather than the financial statements due at the end of the quarter. So, what should you do first? Well, that's a question you'll have to answer yourself. Here are five suggestions to help you balance priorities: 

1. Write down your assignments. While many people use their computer's built-in program to track projects, there's still nothing like having those projects written on a small whiteboard to keep on track. Put the whiteboard on a wall at eye-level in an area of your office that naturally attracts your gaze. Printing out documents is a great way also to keep projects from slipping through the cracks without having to constantly check your computer-generated list. 

2. Don't record routine tasks. Checking your email is an example. Everyone has routines that don't need to be written down.

3. Begin your day by referencing your written checklist. You should have sections marked that allow you to update important phases of your projects.

4. Don't make promises you can't keep. Be realistic and honest about the length of time it may take you to complete certain tasks. This will relieve stress and allow the time you need to properly and efficiently turn in quality work. Meeting deadlines is much easier when proper time expectations are implemented.

5. Manage your time properly. If you seem to be constantly coming up against the clock, consider checking into a time-management resource that may help determine why. Many times it is just a matter of a small adjustment here or there to what you're already doing.
Summing up: Perhaps the best way to keep things on track is to not let day-to-day distractions keep you from your work. Office gossip, Twitter, and Facebook are sure ways of falling behind, so avoid them as best you can while on the clock.

11 tips for a great work review - reference from yahoo

1. Understand expectations and exceed them. Always make a point to ask clarifying questions to be sure you understand the task at hand--and then over-deliver. "Know when the work product is expected so that you can properly prioritize your tasks," says Brockdorf. "If your boss asks you to complete your monthly report by the close of business on the first Friday of the month, send it on Thursday." When you provide something unexpected, you will leave a positive and lasting impression. 
2. Make small miracles happen. "Become known as a trusted resource who can save the project. Pull off the end-of-the-month sale that puts the team above quota. Find the cash in the budget to make payroll," Brockdorf notes. If you can overachieve, you'll stand out from the crowd and become the go-to leader when the going gets tough.
3. Demonstrate leadership. Leadership is more than just a title. According to Brockdorf, "Leadership is about taking responsibility. Responsibility for your actions, your in-actions, and most importantly, your faults." How can you be an effective leader? Organize projects, start initiatives, and suggest improvements. When you take responsibility for your area, it makes a difference to the people within the organization who make decisions about your career path. 
4. Network up, down, and across. Become "that guy" who seems connected to everyone in the organization. While you don't need to know the answer to every question, Brockdorf suggests: "Always know who can answer every question." Start early--create relationships with people in collaborating departments so when you are in a tight spot or need help, you will have a network of colleagues willing, ready, and able to help you. You'll want to also maintain a strong network outside your company, though you 
5. Volunteer for challenging projects. Who doesn't want to work with the colleague who can get anything done, and who isn't afraid to step up to the plate when the going gets tough? Stand out from the crowd by being the hero. Brockdorf explains: "If you are willing to accept projects that are not guaranteed to succeed and can turn those opportunities into wins, you will be revered by your peers and superiors." One thing to keep in mind: Be sure to seek out tasks that play to your strengths, so you'll have a better chance to 
6. Work where you're needed, not where you're deserved. We all deserve to work with the top performers, the best teams, and the most successful projects. "However, that's not where you are needed," according to Brockdorf. "You are more valuable working on struggling products, with the challenging employees who show great promise, and improving the inefficient processes." Think about where you can make a significant difference and move quickly. 
7. Be known for something. Everyone loves someone who is always reliable. You might be the guy who knows how to sooth an irate customer. You could be the woman who can always close an important deal. Or you could simply be known as the person who can usually fix the jammed copier. (Who wants to let that guy leave?) "Be an expert in something. It demonstrates your value to the office, team, and company. When they think you're more valuable, you're no longer a number," Brockdorf says. 
8. Be present. When your co-workers stop by your cube or your staff walks into your office, give them your full attention. Everyone loves a listener. If you pocket your iPhone, ignore incoming email, and always focus your attention on the people with you, it leaves a favorable impression, if only by comparison to the majority of the workforce. "If it is not a good time, politely send them away with a recommended time to return. When you are present with your co-workers and staff, your opinion, guidance, and wisdom will be mor

9. Turn boring time into productive time. Maybe you have to transpose numbers into a spreadsheet. Perhaps you need to package and ship the latest direct marketing mailing. Do what you can to turn that tedious chore into a learning opportunity. How? Brockdorf says: "Listen to the latest business bestselling audiobook. Take some mandatory Web-based video training. Listen to an educational podcast. Feed your brain to make the mindless task more productive." 

25 May 2012

Main SEO activities are....

Main SEO activities are:

- Understand client's website for content, coding, linking, any dead links, styles, url structure, title / alt attributes, 
- Identify best suitable keywords
- prepare ranking report for targetted keyword
- On page optimization - page title, alt, meta, header tags etc

- submittion of keyword and sites to popular directories related to site's business

- XML sitemap
- robots file
- reciprocal linking
- link building
- internet linking

- directory submission
- press release
- link report / keyword submission report / keyword ranking report

Organic SEO - getting found in search result without paying to seach engine companies

pay per click, pay per impression, 

19 May 2012

Boss and guard

There's this Jaga Singh who was working for a multi-millionaire as a house
guard. One day, while the millionaire was driving out to catch an early
morning flight to conclude a business deal, Jaga Singh ran out from the
guard house and stopped the millionaire' s car just right in front of the

He said 'Sir...Sir.. are you going to board a plane?'

'Yes, why?' asked the millionaire.

'You had better cancel the trip. You see, last night I dreamt about the
plane going to crash.'

Curious over the early morning fright that Jaga Singh had given, the
multimillionaire decided to cancel his trip. 'You better be damn right for
this is a million dollar deal..'

The following day, there were news reports that the plane which the
millionaire was supposed to take had indeed crash landed. 'Thank God, I
cancelled the trip,.' the rich man said Realising that what Jaga Singh had
said had come true, he called the Singh to see him.

When the guard was called that morning, the millionaire gave him his
salary and FIRED him.


Look Down


Jaga Singh was supposed to guard! the house at night. NOT to Sleep and
Dream all night!

So, GO BACK TO WORK!! and Don't try to save your boss's life!! It's not
worth it!!! Always save your own hole first.....!!! !!!!!!

16 May 2012

Project management Highlights

Project managemnt - discipline or methodology of planning, organizing, maintainng resources to bring to successful completion of project goal.

Skills needed for project manager - communication skill, planning and execution skill, budget skill, conflict management, negotiation and influential skill, leadership skill, team building and motivation

motivation - success, appreciation, reward

adding value to project - project plan, clear functioanl / technical documents, sessions with team to understand project,. improve team's skill in techncial and soft skills, maintain team moral, resource backup and risk plan

strees - i would look at the circumstances and causes behind it.

PM tool - task management, time tracking, reports, client access

how to delivery fast  - keep team away from non value tasks during development and make them to focus only on development

large project - continuous feature delivery - to make progress fast and get things cleared in modules instead heavey review at end of month or weeks.

Project planning - work to be performed, goals, estimates for development, tracking, executing, delivery, alternatives, assumptions and constraints. do not assume - ask.

team motivation - how they feel for work load, what is most frustrating for them, their strength/weakness, people change when they are in that mood, to get commitment - you need to give commitment and get it done, create right environment for them, smile and encourage them daily, ask for help, remove roadblock, 

success ful project - on time and if within budget then it is most successful project

non productctive team member - find out why? Explain them about expectations and their responsibility while working in office, 

SDLC - initiation, concept / analysis, planning, requirement analysis, design, development, integration/test, implementation, operation/maintenance, disposition

Red Project - can only be because of issues in requirement, time, communication management. Identify those and take corrective steps. Let client too know about it. It is a time to show actions and not words.

zero date - effective start of project

Extreme - is a agile process to improve software quality 

Project management styles - normally two types like process oriented (decide, communicate and implemenent) and people oriented (communicate, decide and then implement).