28 December 2009

Few good Joomla Components

Joomla Some good Plugins

Menus - swMenu

Events : redEvent

Newsletter: ccNewsletter

Photo Gallery: expose4

Video Gallery: expose4

URL Rewrite - sh404

Appointments - Appointmentbookingpro

Forms - Breezing forms

Tickets - RSTickets

osCommerce Plugins

for photogallery :photo_gallery09.zip

for contact us page : Add Store Details To Contact Us_1.zip

for shipping : Additional Shipping Options for Zone Module.zip

for article : article_manager_v1.0.zip

for customer testimonial : Customer Testimonials v5.zip

fckeditor : fck_autoinstaller_2.14_2.zip

for multimage of products : Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups V1.25.zip

for order tracking : orders_tracker.zip

for shipping : UPS-USPS-FEDEX.zip


Joomla! 1.5 with JomSocial, JomComments, myBlog or similar are hard to beat if you're looking for a facebook-like appeal, in my .02. but, I'm a tad bias ;)

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