30 December 2009

Basic Steps to setup a contribution in osCommerce

A few steps to install a contrubution in osCommerce:

- If it is for front end dispaly then paste its respective files catalog folder like in includes/language/english will contain its english text file

- Change in filenames.php
- Change in database_tables.php
- We may also need to add files/folders over like for shipping related module we would need to add it inside "catalog\includes\modules"
- Rest any other informatio is provided inside the zip of that contribution

- Similarly for admin related contribution

Open Source Video Tutorials


28 December 2009

Few good Joomla Components

Joomla Some good Plugins

Menus - swMenu

Events : redEvent

Newsletter: ccNewsletter

Photo Gallery: expose4

Video Gallery: expose4

URL Rewrite - sh404

Appointments - Appointmentbookingpro

Forms - Breezing forms

Tickets - RSTickets

osCommerce Plugins

for photogallery :photo_gallery09.zip

for contact us page : Add Store Details To Contact Us_1.zip

for shipping : Additional Shipping Options for Zone Module.zip

for article : article_manager_v1.0.zip

for customer testimonial : Customer Testimonials v5.zip

fckeditor : fck_autoinstaller_2.14_2.zip

for multimage of products : Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups V1.25.zip

for order tracking : orders_tracker.zip

for shipping : UPS-USPS-FEDEX.zip


Joomla! 1.5 with JomSocial, JomComments, myBlog or similar are hard to beat if you're looking for a facebook-like appeal, in my .02. but, I'm a tad bias ;)

24 December 2009

What is the difference between JScript, Javascript and jQuery?

JavaScript is the common term for a combination of the ECMAScript programming language plus some means for accessing a web browser's windows and the document object model (DOM).

JScript is Microsoft's version of JavaScript. The programming language itself is very similar to ECMAScript, but the DOM access differs in many respects.

JQuery is a JavaScript library that handles many commonly used features and also handles the differences between, e.g., Internet Explorer and standards-compliant browsers. It's something you can use to reduce the amount of work when creating web-based applications.