18 June 2007

Website Development Life Cycle

1. Analysis:

Input: Interviews with the clients, Mails and supporting docs by the client, Discussions Notes, Online chat, recorded telephone conversations,Model sites/applications etc.,

Output: 1. Work plan, 2. Cost involved, 3. Team requirements, 4. Hardware-software requirements, 5. Supporting documents and 6. the approval

2. Specification Building:

By covering up each and every element of the requirement.
For example if the product is a web site then the modules of the site including general layout, site navigation and dynamic parts of the site should be included in the spec.
After reviewing and approving the preliminary document, a written proposal is prepared, outlining the scope of the project including responsibilities, timelines and costs.

Output: Complete requirement specifications to the individuals and the customer/customer's representative

3. Design and development:

Work on the web site is scheduled upon receipt of the signed proposal, a deposit, and any written content materials and graphics you wish to include.

Show two or three design with all images and navigation.

The team should develop test plans and procedures for quality assurance.

In parallel the Database team will sit and understand the requirements and develop the database with all the data structures and sample data will also be prepared.

Output: Site design with templates, Images and prototype

4. Content writing:

Output: Site with formatted content

5. Coding:

Input: The site with required forms and the requirement specification

Output: Database driven functions with the site, Coding documents

6. Testing:

Input: The site, Requirement specifications, supporting documents, technical specifications and technical documents. Consider client's all the given requirement and evaluate the site based on it.

Output: Completed application/site, testing reports, error logs, frequent interaction with the developers and designers

7. Promotion:

Input: Site with content, Client mails mentioning the competitors

Output: Site submission with necessary meta tag preparation

8. Maintenance and Updating:

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