Technical skills turns into complexity and creativity turns into simplicity.
23 December 2008
Code to search within file content
if ($handle = opendir('.'))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if(is_file($file) && $file != "")
$flhandle = fopen($file, "r");
$contents = fread($flhandle, filesize($file));
$trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$str = $search;
$encoded = strtr($str, $trans);
$contents = str_replace('"','',$contents);
$contents = str_replace("'",'',$contents);
//$contents = str_replace('“','',$contents);
//$contents = str_replace('”','',$contents);
//$contents = str_replace('’','',$contents);
$encoded = str_replace('"','',$encoded);
$encoded = str_replace("'",'',$encoded);
$encoded = str_replace('“','“',$encoded);
$encoded = str_replace('”','”',$encoded);
$encoded = str_replace('’','’',$encoded);
//echo strip_tags($contents)."
$pages[$file] = $file;
$arrpages[$file] = $file;
10 December 2008
10 roles you need for ITIL configuration management
If you’re serious about building an effective configuration management service, you’ll need to consider who will accomplish 10 key functions. Here’s a brief rundown of the essential roles that should be covered.
Many IT departments try to implement ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) configuration management without giving much thought to the staffing of the configuration management service.
Like any IT task, configuration management requires skilled people with standardized processes, but this aspect is often overlooked in the rush to find the perfect CMDB (Configuration Management Database) tool.
What makes for the most effective configuration management team? The answer will depend somewhat on the size of the IT environment. The essential roles, however, are the same whether one expert plays three or four roles or volume dictates that one role requires two or three people.
There are lots of creative ways to deploy these roles across an organization, but here are the essential roles you should consider when embarking on a configuration management service.
#1: Configuration management architect
You need one strong technical leader who can be counted on as the expert in configuration management.
#2: Requirements analyst
You do have configuration management requirements, don't you? This person will help you determine all the requirements needed to configure the environment.
#3: Process engineer
This may be more important at the onset, but Version 3 of ITIL calls for continuous process improvement.
#4: Logical DBA
Configuration management is all about gathering, controlling, and accessing information; of course you need a DBA.
#5: Trainer
Someone will need to create training materials and instruct all of your IT staff in how to access and support configuration management.
#6: CM integrator
Every CMDB is built from data stored across many sources. The integrator role supervises the reconciliation rules that bring those sources together.
#7: Tools support
Eventually, your entire IT staff will depend on information in the CMDB, and thus on the availability of the tools.
#8: Impact manager
This role specifically focuses on helping make configuration data intelligible to the rest of the IT organization. The key task here is to make sure relationships between configuration items are well defined, helpful, and accurate.
#9: Reporting support
Because the CMDB is a database, many users will want to create custom queries and specialized reports. Someone who understands the data deeply will help make this possible.
#10: Data quality analyst
ITIL rightly points out that the best practice in configuration management is to constantly verify data and audit the database.
Covering the bases
Not many organizations are large enough to have a dedicated 10-member team for configuration management, but anyone serious about building an effective configuration management service should consider who will accomplish these 10 key functions.
27 November 2008
Multilingual site And PHP
UTF-8, however, does. When you switch to UTF-8 are you both converting your output to UTF-8 and setting the Content-Type header? You should be doing this at the beginning of your script:
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
24 November 2008
Pros and Cons of MySQL Table Types
Of all the positive things that MySQL brings to the table, probably the most overlooked is multiple table types. This facet of the application is overlooked as a feature and more importantly is overlooked at design time.
MySQL has six distinct table types.
- InnoDB
- BDB or BerkeleyDB Tables
A Database is no fun when you are locked out
The default table type for MySQL is MyISAM. It has table level locking, which means during an UPDATE, nobody can access any other record of the same table. BDB uses Page level locking, and during an UPDATE, nobody can access any other record residing in the same database page of that table, until the locking transaction issues a COMMIT.
InnoDB however, uses Row level locking. Row level locking ensures that during an UPDATE, nobody can access that particular row, until the locking transaction issues a COMMIT. Any of the above table types will probably be fine for a web server, but in a LAN application can cause unecessary issues.
Special circumstances call for special tools (or tables)
MERGE tables are a collection of identical MyISAM tables that can be used as one. You can only SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE from the collection of tables. If you DROP the MERGE table, you are only dropping the MERGE specification. One reasons why you would use MERGE tables is to get more speed. You can split a big read-only table and then put the different table parts on different disks. You could do more efficient searches. If you know exactly what you are looking for, you can search in just one of the split tables for some queries and use a MERGE table for others. Repairs are more efficient. It's easier to repair the individual files that are mapped to a MERGE file than trying to repair a really big file. MyISAM and therefore MERGE tables are represented as individual files on the harddrive. You can go around the file-size limit for the operating system.
Some of the disadvantages of using MERGE tables are:
- You can only use identical MyISAM tables for a MERGE table.
- REPLACE doesn't work.
- Key reads are slower.
Also, you can't do DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE, DELETE FROM table_name without a WHERE clause, REPAIR TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, or ANALYZE TABLE on any of the table that is mapped by a MERGE table that is "open". If you do this, the MERGE table may still refer to the original table and you will get unexpected results. The easiest way to get around this deficiency is to issue the FLUSH TABLES command, ensuring no MERGE tables remain "open".
Well, that should make you think twice about using MERGE tables. ISAM tables will disappear in MySQL version 5.0, so it wouldn't be a good idea to use them. Last but not least is the HEAP table type. HEAP tables use hashed indexes and are stored in memory. This makes them very fast, but if MySQL crashes you will lose all data stored in them. They are very useful for temporary tables. HEAP sounds cool but I don't think the risk justifies the performance.
The Lowdown on MySQL Table Types
Most people use MyISAM if they need speed and InnoDB for data integrity. You can use more than one or any combination of these table types in your database. Remember to asses the needs of your application before building it. Even though MyISAM is faster than InnoDB in the MySQL world, InnoDB is fast compared to any database engine. With InnoDB you get transactions, speed and integrity three features not usually used in the same sentence. Most of my customers want as much speed as they can get, but at the end of the day, good data integrity lets them sleep at night.
04 November 2008
PHP - Image Resizer
// get image size infos (0 width and 1 height,
// 2 is (1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG)
$size = getimagesize($imgPath);
// break and return false if failed to read image infos
if($verbose && !$directOutput)echo "
Not able to read image infos.
return false;
// relation: width/height
$relation = $size[0]/$size[1];
$relation_original = $relation;
// maximal size (if parameter == false, no resizing will be made)
$maxSize = array($maxWidth?$maxWidth:$size[0],$maxHeight?$maxHeight:$size[1]);
// declaring array for new size (initial value = original size)
$newSize = $size;
// width/height relation
$relation = array($size[1]/$size[0], $size[0]/$size[1]);
if(($newSize[0] > $maxWidth))
if(($newSize[1] > $maxHeight))
case 1:
$originalImage = imagecreatefromgif($imgPath);
if($verbose && !$directOutput)echo "
No GIF support in this php installation, sorry.
return false;
case 2: $originalImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgPath); break;
case 3: $originalImage = imagecreatefrompng($imgPath); break;
case 6: $originalImage = imagecreatefromwbmp($imgPath); break;
if($verbose && !$directOutput)echo "
No valid image type.
return false;
// create new image
$resizedImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newSize[0], $newSize[1]);
imagecopyresampled($resizedImage, $originalImage,0, 0, 0, 0,$newSize[0], $newSize[1], $size[0], $size[1]);
$rz=preg_replace("/\.([a-zA-Z]{3,4})$/","".$imageType.".jpg", $imgPath);
imagejpeg($resizedImage, $rz, $quality);
// return true if successfull
return $rz;
25 September 2008
PHP Code - Forcefully Download A file
$filename = "desa/".$_GET['name'];
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
$filename = "ppt/".$_GET['name'];
header('Content-Type: application/ppt');
if(isset($_GET['name1']) and $_GET['name1']='archives')
$filename = "archives/".$_GET['name'];
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($filename)."\";");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: ".@filesize($filename));
@readfile("$filename") or die("File not found.");
01 September 2008
How to hid PHP from visitor?
In general, security by obscurity is one of the weakest forms of security. But in some cases, every little bit of extra security is desirable.
A few simple techniques can help to hide PHP, possibly slowing down an attacker who is attempting to discover weaknesses in your system. By setting expose_php = off in your php.ini file, you reduce the amount of information available to them.
Another tactic is to configure web servers such as apache to parse different filetypes through PHP, either with an .htaccess directive, or in the apache configuration file itself. You can then use misleading file extensions:
27 August 2008
Get visistor's OS and Browser with PHP - Script 2
$os=""; $osh="";
if (eregi ("(win|microsoft)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows";
if (eregi ("(unix|x11|lynx|konqueror|w3m)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Unix";
if (eregi ("linux", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Linux";
if (eregi ("bsd", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="*BSD";
if (eregi ("sunos", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="SunOS";
if (eregi ("hp-ux", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="HP-UX";
if (eregi ("os/2", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="OS/2";
if (eregi ("qnx", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="QNX";
if (eregi ("mac", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Macintosh";
if (eregi ("(powerpc|ppc)(mac)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Macintosh PowerPC";
if (eregi ("beos", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Beos";
if (eregi ("solaris", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Solaris";
if (eregi ("amigaos", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="AmigaOS";
if (eregi ("windows nt|winnt", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows NT";
if (eregi ("windows nt 4", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows NT 4";
if (eregi ("(windows nt 5|windows 2000)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows 2000";
if (eregi ("(windows nt 5.1|windows xp)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows XP";
if (eregi ("windows me", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows ME";
if (eregi ("(windows 98|win98)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows 98";
if (eregi ("(windows 95|win95)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows 95";
if (eregi ("(windows 3.1|win3.1)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows 3.1";
if (eregi ("(windows 3.11|win3.11)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Windows 3.11";
if (eregi ("(mandrake|mdk)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Linux Mandrake";
if (eregi ("debian", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="Linux Debian";
if (eregi ("webtv", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $os="WebTV";
$browser=""; $browserh="";
if (eregi ("(netscape|mozilla)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Netscape";
if (eregi ("mozilla/3", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Netscape 3";
if (eregi ("mozilla/4.5", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Netscape 4.5";
if (eregi ("mozilla/4.6", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Netscape 4.6";
if (eregi ("mozilla/4.7", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Netscape 4.7";
if (eregi ("(mozilla/5|gecko/)", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Mozilla 1";
if (eregi ("netscape/6", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Netscape 6";
if (eregi ("msie", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE";
if (eregi ("msie 3", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 3";
if (eregi ("msie 3.0", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 3.0";
if (eregi ("msie 3.01", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 3.01";
if (eregi ("msie 4", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 4";
if (eregi ("msie 4.0", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 4.0";
if (eregi ("msie 4.01", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 4.01";
if (eregi ("msie 5", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 5";
if (eregi ("msie 5.0", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 5.0";
if (eregi ("msie 5.01", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 5.01";
if (eregi ("msie 5.1", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 5.1";
if (eregi ("msie 5.5", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 5.5";
if (eregi ("msie 6", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 6";
if (eregi ("msie 6.0", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 6.0";
if (eregi ("msie 6.0b", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="IE 6.0b";
if (eregi ("opera", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera";
if (eregi ("opera.2", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 2";
if (eregi ("opera.3", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 3";
if (eregi ("opera.4", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 4";
if (eregi ("opera.5", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 5";
if (eregi ("opera.5.11", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 5.11";
if (eregi ("opera.5.12", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 5.12";
if (eregi ("opera.6", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 6";
if (eregi ("opera.7.01", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 7.01";
if (eregi ("opera.7.10", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 7.10";
if (eregi ("opera.7.11", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Opera 7.11";
if (eregi ("lynx", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="lynx";
if (eregi ("w3m", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="w3m";
if (eregi ("konqueror", $HTTP_USER_AGENT)==true) $browser="Konqueror";
echo $browser."".$os;
Get visistor's OS and Browser with PHP - Script 1
* User Agent Detector
* -------------------
* Deluxe Portal Version 2.0
* This SINGLE FILE is Licensed under the LGPL which
* can be found at
* [url=][/url]
$_REMOTE = array();
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 0;
$_REMOTE['OS']['VERSION'] = 0;
if (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Opera') === 0)
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Opera';
list($version, $dummy) = explode(' ', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($dummy, $version) = explode('/', $version, 2);
if (strpos($version, 'v') === 0) $version = dp_substr($version, 1);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Mozilla') === 0)
if (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Opera'))
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Opera';
list($dummy, $version) = explode('\)', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($dummy, $dummy, $version) = explode(' ', $version);
if (strpos($version, 'v') === 0) $version = dp_substr($version, 1);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], '(compatible'))
if (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Konqueror'))
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Konqueror';
list($dummy, $version) = explode('Konqueror/', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($version, $dummy) = explode(';', $version, 2);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE'))
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Internet Explorer';
list($dummy, $version) = explode('MSIE', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($version, $dummy) = explode(';', $version, 2);
if (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Netscape6'))
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Netscape';
list($dummy, $version) = explode('Netscape6/', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Gecko'))
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Mozilla';
list($dummy, $version) = explode('rv:', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($version, $dummy) = explode('\)', $version, 2);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'Sun'))
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Hot Java';
list($version, $dummy) = explode(' ', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($dummy, $version) = explode('/', $version, 2);
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Netscape';
list($version, $dummy) = explode(' ', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($dummy, $version) = explode('/', $version, 2);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'amaya') === 0)
$_REMOTE['BROWSER']['TYPE'] = 'Amaya';
list($dummy, $version) = explode('amaya/', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($version, $dummy) = explode(' ', $version, 2);
elseif (strpos($_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 'EPOC') === 0)
list($dummy, $version) = explode('WTL/', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], 2);
list($version, $dummy) = explode(' ', $version, 2);
if (isset($version)) $_REMOTE['BROWSER']['VERSION'] = trim($version);
if (preg_match('/gecko\/([0-9]+)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match)) $_REMOTE['BROWSER']['GECKO'] = $match[1];
if (preg_match_all('/(win[dows]*)[\s]?([0-9a-z]*)[\w\s]?([a-z0-9.]*)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$v = $match[2][count($match[0])-1];
$v2 = $match[3][count($match[0])-1];
$_REMOTE['OS']['PLATFORM'] = 'Win32';
$_REMOTE['OS']['VERSION'] = $v2;
if (stristr($v,'NT'))
if ($v2 == '5.0')
$v = 'Windows 2000';
elseif ($v2 == '5.1')
$v = 'Windows XP';
elseif ($v2 == '5.2')
$v = 'Windows 2003';
elseif ($v2 == '6.0')
$v = 'Windows Codename Longhorn';
$v = 'Windows NT';
elseif (stristr($v,'9x'))
$v = 'Windows 9x';
elseif ($v.$v2 == '16bit')
$v = 'Windows';
$_REMOTE['OS']['PLATFORM'] = 'Win16';
$v .= $v2;
if (empty($v)) $v = 'win';
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = $v;
elseif( preg_match('/os\/2|ibm-webexplorer/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT']))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'OS/2';
$_REMOTE['OS']['PLATFORM'] = 'OS/2';
elseif (preg_match('/(68)[k0]{1,3}|[p\S]{1,5}(pc)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'Mac OS';
$platform = !empty($match[1]) ? '68k' : '';
$platform = !empty($match[2]) ? 'Power PC' : $platform;
$_REMOTE['OS']['PLATFORM'] = $platform;
elseif (preg_match('/(sun|i86)[os\s]*([0-9]*)/i',$_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'],$match))
$match[1] = 'sun'.$match[1];
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = $match[1];
$_REMOTE['OS']['VERSION'] = $match[2];
elseif (preg_match('/(irix)[\s]*([0-9]*)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = $match[1];
$_REMOTE['OS']['VERSION'] = $match[2];
elseif (preg_match('/(hp-ux)[\s]*([0-9]*)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['VERSION'] = (int) $match[2];
elseif (preg_match('/aix([0-9]*)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'AIX';
$_REMOTE['OS']['VERSION'] = $match[1];
elseif (preg_match('/dec|osfl|alphaserver|ultrix|alphastation/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'DEC';
elseif (preg_match('/vax|openvms/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'VMS';
elseif (preg_match('/sco|unix_sv/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'SCO';
elseif (stristr('unix_system_v', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT']))
elseif (stristr('ncr', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT']))
elseif (stristr('reliantunix', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT']))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'Reliant';
elseif(stristr('sinix', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT']))
elseif (preg_match('/(free)?(bsd)/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = $match[1].$match[2];
elseif(preg_match('/x11|inux/i', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT'], $match))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'Linux';
elseif (stristr('epoc', $_REMOTE['USER_AGENT']))
$_REMOTE['OS']['TYPE'] = 'EPOC';
22 August 2008
Making Word documents really read-only
The need for ‘read-only’
Now let’s get down to the main topic for this week. Nowadays, Word documents are used very often to send proposals, project plans, research papers, manuscripts and so on. We often want the guarantee that the original document sent should not be editable by the recipient. In addition, we want to ensure that unauthorised persons are not even able to open the document.
Preventing unauthorised access
To ensure that only authorised persons can see the document (open it) you simply put in the Password to Open. This way, before the document is opened, the user is asked to enter a password. More importantly, the document does not display plain text even if it is opened in a raw editor like Notepad. Not many know that assigning a password actually encrypts the contents of the Word file, so that the plain text is not visible within or outside Word.
The programmatic way of doing this while saving the document is:
Activedocument.saveas ,,, “”
Now, after sending the document to the intended recipient, you have to somehow communicate the password. This is easy enough if you regularly communicate with them. In fact, if you regularly exchange confidential documents with specific persons, it is a good idea to predetermine a separate password for communication with each of them.
This simplifies the communication further and does not require you to communicate the password every time you send a document.
Of course, there are better ways of doing this using digital signature technology. But just consider how many documents you send or receive with digital signatures as of today, and then you will understand the elegant utility of my suggestion! Now we have prevented unauthorised access. But what about the additional requirement of even authorised persons not being able to modify the document?
Preventing modification
This is also available as a base feature of Word. You need to specify another password called “Password to modify”. You can enter these passwords from the File - Save As dialog - Tools - Security Options (Office XP dialog. Other versions have a different set of menus but the password options are still available). Here is how the dialog looks.
Now when you enter the password for modification and save the document, the user needs to enter two passwords while opening the file. Once for opening the file and another if modifications are to be done to the file. If you put a modification password and not inform the customer about this password, the document can only be opened and read by the recipient but not modified. However, there is a major problem in the scheme of things in this case. The code for inserting open as well as modify password is:
Activedocument.saveas,,, “ ,,” _
The problem
When you do not have password to modify, you can choose the Open Read Only button from the password entry dialog.
Now the document opens and displays (Read-Only) in the title bar. But to your surprise, you can still modify the document! When you try to save it, the document forces you to save it as a different file name. If you try to save it using the same file name, it will generate an error, stating that the file is read-only.
I would say, this feature does not serve the purpose of making a document read-only at all. Why do we want the document read-only? We really want it to become non-editable.
Moreover, we do not even want the chance that the user can use Select All - Copy and then paste the entire content of your document into another document and peacefully save it!
S(he) can of course print it for reference. Some customers have even gone to the extent of saying that even the Print Screen key should not work! This is rather extreme. But believe me, with some clever programming, even this need can be satisfied. Anyway, that would be the topic for another article. For now, let us find a way of achieving a truly read-only, non-editable and non-cut-pastable(!) document in Word. This would be a great achievement in itself.
The trick and the solution
The solution to this problem is not very obvious. In fact, I have not come across any documentation which specifies the usage as is mentioned in this article. I myself found this feature while trying to do something else. Now let us come to the solution. First I will simply give the steps to achieve the desired protection. Then I will explain it.
To make a Word document really read-only follow these steps.
1. Write the document as usual.
2. When you finish writing the document, save it. Now save it as another document to make a copy of the original document. Why so? Read on to find out!
3. Move your cursor to the end of the document.
4. From Tools menu, choose Customise. A dialog appears listing available toolbars. If it is not already selected, choose the Forms toolbar by enabling the checkbox next to it. Click on close button.
5. Now you will see the Forms Toolbar.
6. This toolbar allows you to make fill-in-the-blanks type of forms within a word document. We will not go into the details of these types of forms in this article. But for now, just click on the first toolbar button from left (where ab is written). The tool tip for this button is “Text form field”.
7. Now at the cursor a small grey patch will appear. This is the text entry form field.
8. Double click on this grey patch. A dialog will appear. In this dialog, clear the check box labelled “Fill-in enabled”. Close the dialog by a click on the Ok button.
9. The grey area will continue to appear. To remove the grey shading, click on the Form Field Shading button on the toolbar. Now the grey shading will disappear. In effect, the field is no longer noticeable.
10. Now all that you need to do is to protect the document. To do this, choose Tools - Protect Document... menu option. Another dialog appears.
11. Choose the Forms option and enter a password and choose Ok button. You will be asked to re-enter the password with a detailed warning. Take the warning seriously. Believe me, you yourself cannot edit the document if you forget the password! Now you know why I asked you to save the original document with protection. In case you forget the protection password (which all of us do very efficiently time and again ), you have a safe editable copy at hand!
12. Now, in order to prevent unauthorised access, choose File-Save As option and Select Tools - Security options tab to enter the regular Password to Open. This password should be different than the form protection password you entered earlier. The password to open will need to be communicated to the intended recipient. So the document protection password should be different.
13. Now save and close the document.
Nothing great seems to have happened yet. Actually it has, but it is not apparent. To see the magic, follow these steps:
1. Open the document.
2. Enter the password to open. The document opens as usual. Contents are seen.
3. Now try editing the document. Sorry, you can’t.
4. Try highlighting the text. No luck
5. Try select all from Edit menu, sorry again. The option is disabled!
6. Try all the things you can think of to select and copy the text. Sorry. Nothing works.
7. Try the Save As option. While saving as, you can of course remove the Password to open. But that is your risk because, you are making the document prone to unauthorised use. But yes, in our quest to make the document editable, let us try that also. Remove the Open password. Save it as another document.
8. Open this newly saved document and again try to select/copy the text. Sorry sir. Does not work.
Now, of course we are all techies, we know programming. We know the Word object model. So let us try to get the text programmatically. Incidentally, the simplest way to get all the text in the document and paste it into another document is as follows. Assume that there are two documents open. One document contains text (filled.doc) and another document is blank (blank.doc)
Here is the code to get all the text from filled.doc into blank.doc documents(“blank.doc”).range.Text = _ documents(“filled.doc”).Range.Text
Simple and effective, isn’t it.
Now with this knowledge, try to do the same with the protected document. Let us say our protected document was called “safe.doc”. Open the safe.doc and try the following code.
documents(“blank.doc”).range.Text = _
Now, you are almost sure it would work. Tough luck! You get a very nice error as shown below.
The only way to duplicate this document and make changes to it is to visually see the original document and re-type all the text and formatting! Of course this can be done but it is so much more difficult now!
The technology behind the trick
The technology lies in the fill-in-the-blanks form fields of Word. When you have a form that has a fixed layout and content and some variable data entry, like say a Leave Request Form, you use the form fields. Now in order to make sure that end users enter only the form field data and not change the base form text, you have to protect the document using a password. That is what we did. However, we did not want to use the form field at all. It was a dummy field. So we disabled the fill-in feature of the form field (the grey coloured text box). Now nothing is editable in the document. And that is why all the features related to editing—typing, cut, paste, select all, mouse based text selection—were disabled. So we achieved our purpose effectively.
Lessons to be learned
- Exploring features is a great method of enriching knowledge.
- It requires great amount of thoughtful design effort to make features work effectively.
- If you are providing programmatic access to your application functionality, the same restrictions that are applied to menus must be applied to programmatic usage.
- Effective usage of a simple feature can lead to great value. Even companies that regularly use digital signatures and various other sophisticated methods for secure document interchange can still use lots of unprotected documents. This trick is usable by anyone who has Word.
- Apart from obvious usage of a feature, innovative thinking can lead to additional usage scenarios. The only method of unearthing these scenarios is curiosity coupled with knowledge.
08 August 2008
Video Sharing Sites - What Research Says
Let's get one thing out in the open before we start. These scripts are all VERY similar. So similar, in fact, that many of them are based on the same original code (some say PHPMotion). That being said, each video sharing platform has taken that first generation of YouTube Clone script and made it their own by adding features, creating new templates, fixing up bugs and holes, etcetera... The success of your site is also going to come down to your hard work and the quality of your host. We went through several FFMpeg hosting companies before we settled on APTHost as our favorite because they have less down time and 24-hour technical support, 1-800 numbers AND they are located in Canada (the rest we found were in India). But that's another comparison altogether so let's get back to our review of each video sharing software package:
- Vshare YouTube Clone
This was the first YouTube Clone script we installed, and we were somewhat disappointed. They say you get what you pay for in life, and this was no exception. At $10 it was a great way for us to get our feet wet and see what these video sharing sites were all about. Although the features and design were almost identical to PHPMotion there was one BIG difference: The Code Was Encrypted. Basically these people stole the code from another script, probably PHPMotion or ClipShare, encrypted it so users would never be able to wean themselves off of their support, and then charged you $10 for what you could have got for free from PHPMotion. That is why they get our lowest possible score.
Current Version: 2.6
Free Templates: Available
Feature List: Good
Design: Poor
Value: Great
Bugs: Few
Direct Support: None
Forum Support: Great
Security: Poor
Avg. Price: $10
Rating: 1 - ClipShare Video Sharing
Clipshare was the second video sharing script we installed, and we were fairly happy with the design and features. Although developed from the same base-code as Vshare, ClipShare is more fully evolved (especially the most recent version). There are the same vulnerabilities associated with any code that is based on open source, but ClipShare has done a better job (recently) of closing up those security holes. What really hurt this clone script in our review was the poor customer service, and the fact that the owners have been repeatedly accused of deleting unflattering forum posts by their own customers. For the price, go with a code base that was custom-developed from scratch, or - if we are to believe they were the first - at least one that hasn't been copied all over the internet.ClipShare Video Sharing
Current Version: 3
Free Templates: Available
Feature List: Good
Design: Good
Value: Poor
Bugs: Many
Direct Support: Poor
Forum Support: Good
Security: Poor
Avg. Price: $200 +
Rating: 3 - Rayzz Multi-Media Sharing
Rayzz is probably the strongest script we've seen in terms of developing a mix of video sharing and online community features. If you are looking to build a pure video sharing website this probably isn't the software/script for you. But if you are planning on bigger things and want to stand out from the thousands of other YouTube Clones out there, Rayzz is well worth the extra dough. When you consider that it isn't all that much more than ClipShare and MediaMax, Rayzz becomes the clear choice. However, if you have a small budget and are just looking to get something up quick, one of the open-source or less-expensive options might be a better choice.
Current Version: 2.0
Free Templates: Available
Feature List: Great
Design: Good
Value: Good
Bugs: Few
Direct Support: Good
Forum Support: Good
Security: Great
Avg. Price: $420 +
Rating: 5 - MediaMax Script
This is an interesting YouTube Clone because, at first, we thought it was a completely original script. After paying for it, we realized it was a very recent rebranding of Video Watch Pro. The difference in the MediaMax version includes a better design and some extra features like picture sharing and PHPBB forum integration. Of course, you'll pay for those differences with an extra $100. The worst part about this place is that they have some of the worst customer service I've ever seen. Seriously, unless you want to be reduced to blind rage or tears, DO NOT BUY MEDIAMAX and I'm guessing the same goes for VideoWatch Pro.
Current Version: 1
Free Templates: Not Available
Feature List: Great
Design: Great
Value: Good
Bugs: Few
Direct Support: Fair
Forum Support: Poor
Security: Good
Avg. Price: $300 +
Rating: 1 - PHPMotion
What can we say about this You Tube Clone other than you get what you pay for? It happens to be free, and for that reason it is widely distributed, buggy and full of security holes. It is a GREAT way to get your feet wet, but remember that moving over user accounts and videos to a different platform when you outgrow PHPMotion is going to be difficult and expensive. Our advice, unless you plan on having your own developers totally tweak out this base code, is to spend the money and go with something like Rayzz. Still, it is hard for us to say anything bad about something that is FREE.
Current Version: 2.0
Free Templates: Available
Feature List: Poor
Design: Poor
Value: Great
Bugs: Some
Direct Support: None
Forum Support: Great
Security: Poor
Avg. Price: Free
Rating: 1
07 August 2008
10 Steps to optimize MySQL Queries
He's swinging for the top of the trees
The rule in any situation where you want to opimize some code is that you first profile it and then find the bottlenecks. Mr. Silverton, however, aims right for the tippy top of the trees. I'd say 60% of database optimization is properly understanding SQL and the basics of databases. You need to understand joins vs. subselects, column indices, how to normalize data, etc. The next 35% is understanding the performance characteristics of your database of choice. COUNT(*) in MySQL, for example, can either be almost-free or painfully slow depending on which storage engine you're using. Other things to consider: under what conditions does your database invalidate caches, when does it sort on disk rather than in memory, when does it need to create temporary tables, etc. The final 5%, where few ever need venture, is where Mr. Silverton spends most of his time. Never once in my life have I used SQL_SMALL_RESULT.
Good problems, bad solutions
There are cases when Mr. Silverton does note a good problem. MySQL will indeed use a dynamic row format if it contains variable length fields like TEXT or BLOB, which, in this case, means sorting needs to be done on disk. The solution is not to eschew these datatypes, but rather to split off such fields into an associated table. The following schema represents this idea:
author_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
created timestamp NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE posts_data (
post_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL.
body text,
PRIMARY KEY(post_id)
); -
That's just…yeah
Some of his suggestions are just mind-boggling, e.g., "remove unnecessary paratheses." It really doesn't matter whether you do SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (author_id = 5 AND published = 1) or SELECT * FROM posts WHERE author_id = 5 AND published = 1. None. Any decent DBMS is going to optimize these away. This level of detail is akin to wondering when writing a C program whether the post-increment or pre-increment operator is faster. Really, if that's where you're spending your energy, it's a surprise you've written any code at all
My list
Let's see if I fare any better. I'm going to start from the most general.
Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark!
You're going to need numbers if you want to make a good decision. What queries are the worst? Where are the bottlenecks? Under what circumstances am I generating bad queries? Benchmarking is will let you simulate high-stress situations and, with the aid of profiling tools, expose the cracks in your database configuration. Tools of the trade include supersmack, ab, and SysBench. These tools either hit your database directly (e.g., supersmack) or simulate web traffic (e.g., ab).
Profile, profile, profile!
So, you're able to generate high-stress situations, but now you need to find the cracks. This is what profiling is for. Profiling enables you to find the bottlenecks in your configuration, whether they be in memory, CPU, network, disk I/O, or, what is more likely, some combination of all of them.
The very first thing you should do is turn on the MySQL slow query log and install mtop. This will give you access to information about the absolute worst offenders. Have a ten-second query ruining your web application? These guys will show you the query right off.
After you've identified the slow queries you should learn about the MySQL internal tools, like EXPLAIN, SHOW STATUS, and SHOW PROCESSLIST. These will tell you what resources are being spent where, and what side effects your queries are having, e.g., whether your heinous triple-join subselect query is sorting in memory or on disk. Of course, you should also be using your usual array of command-line profiling tools like top, procinfo, vmstat, etc. to get more general system performance information.
Tighten Up Your Schema
Before you even start writing queries you have to design a schema. Remember that the memory requirements for a table are going to be around #entries * size of a row. Unless you expect every person on the planet to register 2.8 trillion times on your website you do not in fact need to make your user_id column a BIGINT. Likewise, if a text field will always be a fixed length (e.g., a US zipcode, which always has a canonical representation of the form "XXXXX-XXXX") then a VARCHAR declaration just adds a superfluous byte for every row.
Some people poo-poo database normalization, saying it produces unecessarily complex schema. However, proper normalization results in a minimization of redundant data. Fundamentally that means a smaller overall footprint at the cost of performance — the usual performance/memory tradeoff found everywhere in computer science. The best approach, IMO, is to normalize first and denormalize where performance demands it. Your schema will be more logical and you won't be optimizing prematurely.
Partition Your Tables
Often you have a table in which only a few columns are accessed frequently. On a blog, for example, one might display entry titles in many places (e.g., a list of recent posts) but only ever display teasers or the full post bodies once on a given page.
Horizontalvertical partitioning helps:CREATE TABLE posts (
author_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
title varchar(128),
created timestamp NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE posts_data (
post_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
teaser text,
body text,
PRIMARY KEY(post_id)
);The above represents a situation where one is optimizing for reading. Frequently accessed data is kept in one table while infrequently accessed data is kept in another. Since the data is now partitioned the infrequently access data takes up less memory. You can also optimize for writing: frequently changed data can be kept in one table, while infrequently changed data can be kept in another. This allows more efficient caching since MySQL no longer needs to expire the cache for data which probably hasn't changed.
Don't Overuse Artificial Primary Keys
Artificial primary keys are nice because they can make the schema less volatile. If we stored geography information in the US based on zip code, say, and the zip code system suddenly changed we'd be in a bit of trouble. On the other hand, many times there are perfectly fine natural keys. One example would be a join table for many-to-many relationships. What not to do:
CREATE TABLE posts_tags (
post_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(relation_id),
UNIQUE INDEX(post_id, tag_id)
);Not only is the artificial key entirely redundant given the column constraints, but the number of post-tag relations are now limited by the system-size of an integer. Instead one should do:
CREATE TABLE posts_tags (
post_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(post_id, tag_id)
); -
Learn Your Indices
Often your choice of indices will make or break your database. For those who haven't progressed this far in their database studies, an index is a sort of hash. If we issue the query SELECT * FROM users WHERE last_name = 'Goldstein' and last_name has no index then your DBMS must scan every row of the table and compare it to the string 'Goldstein.' An index is usually a B-tree (though there are other options) which speeds up this comparison considerably.
You should probably create indices for any field on which you are selecting, grouping, ordering, or joining. Obviously each index requires space proportional to the number of rows in your table, so too many indices winds up taking more memory. You also incur a performance hit on write operations, since every write now requires that the corresponding index be updated. There is a balance point which you can uncover by profiling your code. This varies from system to system and implementation to implementation.
SQL is Not C
C is the canonical procedural programming language and the greatest pitfall for a programmer looking to show off his database-fu is that he fails to realize that SQL is not procedural (nor is it functional or object-oriented, for that matter). Rather than thinking in terms of data and operations on data one must think of sets of data and relationships among those sets. This usually crops up with the improper use of a subquery:
(SELECT MAX(created)
FROM posts
WHERE author_id =
AS latest_post
FROM authors aSince this subquery is correlated, i.e., references a table in the outer query, one should convert the subquery to a join.
SELECT, MAX(p.created) AS latest_post
FROM authors a
INNER JOIN posts p
ON ( = p.author_id)
Understand your engines
MySQL has two primary storange engines: MyISAM and InnoDB. Each has its own performance characteristics and considerations. In the broadest sense MyISAM is good for read-heavy data and InnoDB is good for write-heavy data, though there are cases where the opposite is true. The biggest gotcha is how the two differ with respect to the COUNT function.
MyISAM keeps an internal cache of table meta-data like the number of rows. This means that, generally, COUNT(*) incurs no additional cost for a well-structured query. InnoDB, however, has no such cache. For a concrete example, let's say we're trying to paginate a query. If you have a query SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 5,10, let's say, running SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users LIMIT 5,10 is essentially free with MyISAM but takes the same amount of time as the first query with InnoDB. MySQL has a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option which tells InnoDB to calculate the number of rows as it runs the query, which can then be retreived by executing SELECT FOUND_ROWS(). This is very MySQL-specific, but can be necessary in certain situations, particularly if you use InnoDB for its other features (e.g., row-level locking, stored procedures, etc.).
MySQL specific shortcuts
MySQL provides many extentions to SQL which help performance in many common use scenarios. Among these are INSERT … SELECT, INSERT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, and REPLACE.
I rarely hesitate to use the above since they are so convenient and provide real performance benefits in many situations. MySQL has other keywords which are more dangerous, however, and should be used sparingly. These include INSERT DELAYED, which tells MySQL that it is not important to insert the data immediately (say, e.g., in a logging situation). The problem with this is that under high load situations the insert might be delayed indefinitely, causing the insert queue to baloon. You can also give MySQL index hints about which indices to use. MySQL gets it right most of the time and when it doesn't it is usually because of a bad scheme or poorly written query.
And one for the road…
Last, but not least, read Peter Zaitsev's MySQL Performance Blog if you're into the nitty-gritty of MySQL performance. He covers many of the finer aspects of database administration and performance.
25 July 2008
What is the difference between blog and forum?
Basic idea is the same. You are able to post messages very quickly. Difference is that forums are primarily for large groups of people and gives ability to show and do more. And it, unlike blog, usually is used by people to get suggestions or different opinions
A blog is more of a personal publishing system. It is usually used for publishing something very quick. And is usually one sided. So it is for people who just want their own opinion being heard. Like my blog. I use it when something really bugs me. And it is the best way to spread the word about something You want.
Forums are created for discussion bewteen several people while Blogs are mainly designed for a single user input, with possibility for other people to comment. Blogs are more like a simple homepage where other people may contribute with comments, but one person rules, blog owner, and blog owner can delete any comment he/she doesn't like. While, in forums, ther could be thousands of people posting topic messages and also adding comments. People tend to post many short messages inside forums, while blogs are more used for posting longer messages (on average). So it all depends on its usage.
18 June 2008
PHP - Send SPAM FREE Emails
Naturally I have assumed that there might be a problem with some spam filters used.The problem seems to be that PHP use the ini directive sendmail_from to set the from email address in the SMTP protocol. If this is not correctly set, or if it does not match the from header in the email headers, the email is caught by spam protection software.
The simplest solution is to set the directive during execution:
ini_set("sendmail_from", $email_from);
$headers = "From: $email_from";
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
Another example code is:
function send_mail($emailaddress, $fromaddress, $emailsubject, $body, $attachments=false)
# Common Headers
$headers .= 'From: MyName<'.$fromaddress.'>'.$eol;
$headers .= 'Reply-To: MyName<'.$fromaddress.'>'.$eol;
$headers .= 'Return-Path: MyName<'.$fromaddress.'>'.$eol; // these two to set reply address
$headers .= "Message-ID: <".$now." TheSystem@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">".$eol;
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP v".phpversion().$eol; // These two to help avoid spam-filters
# Boundry for marking the split & Multitype Headers
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.$eol;
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"".$mime_boundary."\"".$eol;
$msg = "";
if ($attachments !== false)
for($i=0; $i <>
if (is_file($attachments[$i]["file"]))
# File for Attachment
$file_name = substr($attachments[$i]["file"], (strrpos($attachments[$i]["file"], "/")+1));
$handle=fopen($attachments[$i]["file"], 'rb');
$f_contents=fread($handle, filesize($attachments[$i]["file"]));
$f_contents=chunk_split(base64_encode($f_contents)); //Encode The Data For Transition using base64_encode();
# Attachment
$msg .= "--".$mime_boundary.$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Type: ".$attachments[$i]["content_type"]."; name=\"".$file_name."\"".$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$file_name."\"".$eol.$eol; // !! This line needs TWO end of lines !! IMPORTANT !!
$msg .= $f_contents.$eol.$eol;
# Setup for text OR html
$msg .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative".$eol;
# Text Version
$msg .= "--".$mime_boundary.$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1".$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$eol;
$msg .= strip_tags(str_replace("
", "\n", $body)).$eol.$eol;
# HTML Version
$msg .= "--".$mime_boundary.$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1".$eol;
$msg .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit".$eol;
$msg .= $body.$eol.$eol;
# Finished
$msg .= "--".$mime_boundary."--".$eol.$eol; // finish with two eol's for better security. see Injection.
ini_set(sendmail_from,$fromaddress); // the INI lines are to force the From Address to be used !
mail($emailaddress, $emailsubject, $msg, $headers);
echo "mail send";
# To Email Address
# From Email Address
$fromaddress = "";
# Message Subject
$emailsubject="This is a test mail with some attachments";
# Use relative paths to the attachments
$attachments = Array(
Array("file"=>"../../test.doc", "content_type"=>"application/msword"),
Array("file"=>"../../123.pdf", "content_type"=>"application/pdf")
# Message Body
$body="This is a message with ".count($attachments)." attachments and maybe some HTML!";
send_mail($emailaddress, $fromaddress, $emailsubject, $body, $attachments);
$fileatt_type = "application/octet-stream";
$email_message = "";
$headers = "From:";
$semi_rand = md5(time());
$fileatt_name = "forgot password";
$mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x";
$headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" .
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" .
" boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\"";
//echo $body; die;
$body = chunk_split(base64_encode($body));
$fileatt_type = "text/html ; charset=iso-8859-1";
//" name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" .
$email_message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" .
"Content-Type: {$fileatt_type}\n" .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" .
$body . "\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n";
@mail($to, $subject, $email_message, $headers);
29 May 2008
Get any browser
Which one to choose from .NET or PHP?
Today I found a good article on which technology to choose or suggest among .NET and PHP, its detail is given below:
1. PHP is like an open source .NET.
You can't compare PHP with .NET. .NET is an application framework (an environment for building and executing applications) not a programming language; it's like comparing a truck to a road. PHP can, however, be compared to languages which run under .NET, such as ASP+ or C# (referred to as "Language.NET" here).
2. .NET is going to be the future of the Internet!
.NET is the future platform for all Microsoft technology -- it's not aimed solely at the Internet. In fact, it's likely to make its first big appearance on corporate Intranets, with Office.NET and .NET versions of existing Windows NT server software.
3. .NET is the best technology for building a Website.
Both PHP and "Language.NET" are viable solutions for Web building. Whether it's delivering a dynamic Web page generated from a database, sending an email, or interfacing with a payment gateway, both are perfectly capable. In assessing them as technologies for building your site, the only significant difference is the price. Try asking yourself "So how much does it cost to host this ASP.NET page I just wrote?"
4. PHP is not compiled, other than when it's interpreted at runtime, whereas .NET enjoys all the benefits of being compiled.
Here's news for the .NET crowd -- you've finally caught up! Microsoft's use of the word "compiled" in regard to .NET is not what a C++ coder would call "compiled". Zend, the corporate face of the PHP project, have been doing this for a while now with PHP Accelerator (for a free equivalent, try Unfortunately for Zend, they chose to describe what Accelerator does as "advanced caching" (read more on what Zend means by "caching"). For more technical detail, try this thread at SitePoint Forums.
5. ASP.NET has accountable support. PHP has none.
Apart from the support services offered by Zend (effectively PHP's creators), NuSphere, ThinkPHP and other corporations also provide support for PHP. You don't need it, thanks to the ever-expanding PHP community being what it is, but if your boss wants someone credible to blame, there's more than enough choice!
6. .NET supports multiple languages. PHP doesn't.
Try Java for PHP or the upcoming Python extension. Obviously this isn't quite the same as C# or J# but the point needs to be made -- PHP is very flexible, and offers useful solutions for the Internet. Don't expect to find yourself to be writing a successful Website in Cobol.NET -- it's likely each .NET language will eventually "tune in" to a particular type of application development.
7. Language.NET has superior object orientation.
For those who know PHP and its limitations, you may be amused by this .NET FAQ -- sound familiar? In fact with PHP 4.3 in the wings, it may be that PHP can claim superior OO support, when you consider that FAQ.
What is significantly different is "Language.NET" will force you into an object oriented approach from the start, while PHP won't. The Web typically does not require OO -- for your average dynamic Website, a few "hacked" scripts are perfectly fine if they meets the site's requirements. Deliver a live site now, rather than a beautifully abstract piece of code that's ready one year after it's needed. Paraphrasing SitePoint's recent interview with Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's down-to-earth approach to problem solving is what has made it a success. And when you need OO, it's there waiting for you.
8. .NET offers superior templating and web development features.
Microsoft has come up with some nice features with .NET that are certainly enticing, like the datagrid, and the templating mechanism. But you could easily reproduce these with a little PHP (try DaDaBIK, for example).
The basic notion of templating is to separate logic from content, so those with artistic skills can make a site that looks good, while developers apply the code "behind the scenes". How Web designers feel about working with .NET's templating system remains to be seen. With PHP, rather than being forced into a single approach, you have the choice of numerous Open Source projects (Smarty, Pat Template, etc.).
9. But corporations don't like PHP.
Well apart from CBS, PHP is used on the corporate sites of Japan's NTT DoCoMo, Switzerland's Bluewin, and a whole load more you'll find here. You frequently wont realise when you're viewing a PHP-based site, because you're not forced to use the default .php file extension (PHP often appears as .shtml or phtml).
Also, have a look at the results of this job search -- not bad.
And as ezPublish demonstrates, corporations aren't just using PHP, companies like Siemens are prepared to go into partnership to sell PHP applications to their customers.
10. PHP is doomed!
This is doubtful. In fact in June 2002, PHP overtook ASP to become the first Open Source project to start from behind, and become more popular than the bespoke Microsoft solution. With IIS going into decline against Apache as a result of the Apache 2.0 release and IIS's poor security record. the gap will only widen.
The .NET framework has only one real edge over PHP, which won't be making itself apparent for a long time yet: with .NET, you can write an application that will run natively on Windows clients and is delivered from a Website. Microsoft has a long way to go with security before it will be able to unleash that on the Internet -- and even when that time comes, browsers and content delivery may be sufficiently advanced to make it irrelevant.
PHP is successful in its own right and in fact is in no way "threatened" by .NET. As to why, your guess is as good as mine, but top of the list might be:
- its down-to-earth approach to problem solving (PHP has without doubt introduced to programming people who would never have thought themselves capable before),
- its active and inspired community,
- its comprehensive and efficient documentation (try this link for example:, and
- the freedom you have as a developer, both in terms of price and choice of code architecture, to do with PHP as you please.
Business as Usual
So there's a little ammunition for harassed PHP developers. In summary, although .NET has some interesting features, there's no pressing reason to switch to developing in it. Right now, in terms of web development, Language.NET really only amounts to ASP version 4.0 (with an option of writing in C++ style C#).
If you're considering Language.NET, it's worth asking yourself three questions;
- "Is there anything here I'm not already doing or capable of doing?"
- "Do I want to be forced into a sharp learning curve, a particular coding style and particular strategies for Web development?"
- "Do I feel like paying more for hosting?"
In answering those questions, you'll have a pretty clear idea whether .NET applies to you. And rest assured you're not "missing out" if you decide it's not your kettle of fish.
20 February 2008
URL Mod Rewrite
Mod rewrite rules
This module uses a rule-based rewriting engine (based on a regular-expression parser) to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. It supports an unlimited number of rules and an unlimited number of attached rule conditions for each rule to provide a really flexible and powerful URL manipulation mechanism. The URL manipulations can depend on various tests, for instance server variables, environment variables, HTTP headers, time stamps and even external database lookups in various formats can be used to achieve a really granular URL matching.
This module operates on the full URLs (including the path-info part) both in per-server context (httpd.conf) and per-directory context (.htaccess) and can even generate query-string parts on result. The rewritten result can lead to internal sub-processing, external request redirection or even to an internal proxy throughput.
This module was invented and originally written in April 1996. [1]
How to change your URLs from dynamic to search engine friendly static URLs using mod_rewrite.
Get an example of the dynamic URL and the way you want it. For example
Now that you got both URLs, make a file starting with...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^
Depending on the server, you might not need the first two lines.
Right after RewriteRule ^ enter the static URL, then a $, a space, and then original URL (with out the domain part for both URLs).
You now got...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^store/outsourcing/4867635/webdesign.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=outsourcing&id=4867635&item=webdesign
In the first URL, the static URL code, where ever the URL will change, replace it with a (.*) (Nintendo, 4867635
and Pokemon in the example above).
Then after .html add a $ and add a \ before the .html
If you have a hyphen (-) in the new static URL, add a \ before the hyphen, for example...
RewriteRule ^store\-(.*)\-(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=outsourcing&id=4867635&item=webdesign
If you don't add the \, you might get an Internal Server Error message, depending on the servers Apache version.
Now in the static part of the URL where the URL changes, in the first change, change it to $1, then $2 and so on. Then add an [L] at the very end, with a space before the [L].
You now got...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2&item=3 [L]
Save the .htaccess file and upload it at and your static URLs will now work.
Here's some other examples...
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi [L]
In this last example will show the index of the script. If the page shows nothing, try
RewriteRule ^$ cgi-bin/store.cgi [L]
With all the examples combined, you got...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2&item=3 [L]
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi [L]
Notice the order. if you list it as...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi [L]
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^store/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2&item=3 [L]
then mod_rewrite will freak out and it won't work! List the line with the most variables first, then the second most and so on.
Can I have the .htaccess in a directory?
In the above example, for having it at, change the code to...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /store/
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ /cgi-bin/store.cgi [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ /cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)\.html$ /cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ /cgi-bin/store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2&item=3 [L]
You moved store/ up to the RewriteBase line and added / before cgi-bin. If the script was in /store/store.cgi
you would of had store/ instead of cgi-bin/ and then just got rid of it, to look like...
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /store/
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ store.cgi [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ store.cgi?section=$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)\.html$ store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/(.*)\.html$ store.cgi?section=$1&id=$2&item=3 [L]
The URL to the index of the store will be
Ack!!! Now it's messing up the rest of my site.
If you have for example, make sure your mod_rewrited URLs use another extension, like .htm or .shtml.
The original script URLs don't have the product name in the URL. Can I add the product name to the URL?
Yes! If you can change the script to put the product names in the URL, or edit the links to link to them, yes you can. Here's an example. Notice there are two (.*)'s and no $2.
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)\.html$ cgi-bin/file.cgi?Item=$1 [L]
Just edit the script links, or links in the static page to link to have the product name show up where the last (.*) is in the .htaccess code.
But how can I get rid of special characters or spaces?
For perl, you can do search and replaces, for example...
$value =~ s/ /_/g;
$value =~ s/?//g;
$value =~ s/[^\w\d\-_. ]//g;
which gets rid of almost everything but letters and numbers. Just make sure it only changes the URL and not the content. As for php or asp, I don't know how to do it there.
Can I rewrite a sub-domain to a directory?
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[www\.]* [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URL} !^/XXXXX/.*
RewriteRule ^(.*) /XXXXX/$1 [L]
Does .htaccess increase server load?
I have yet to ever see it increase server load on my dedicated server. IMO, that's just a rumor. I got about 30 domains with about 54 lines in the file and have yet to ever see it effect the server. The only effect I've ever got is getting GoogleBombed (Google chomping away at the static URLs so much that the server almost crashes or does crash!!!). Don't panic. This is why you have static URLs, to help search engines crawl your site.
If you ever see high server loads or a slow server, try optimizing Apache.
How do I optimize Apache?
You have to have access to the actual server through telnet as root.
Edit your httpd.conf file.
Here's the best settings I've found.
Timeout 50
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 120
KeepAliveTimeout 10
MinSpareServers 10
MaxSpareServers 20
StartServers 16
MaxClients 125
MaxRequestsPerChild 5000
and then restart apache. Even when I have massively HIGH server loads, the sites are fast. Once I had the server load above 100, which is EXTREMELY high, and the static pages loaded as if nothing was high!!
Don't ask me how to do it. If you don't know what you're doing, don't mess with it. Ask your web host. Mess up and your sites can 'die' until it get's fixed! For example, simply pressing return can crash your sites until you go back and undo the return, geting it back to how it was before.
How can I do a 301 redirect?
Options +Indexes
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^whatever/(.*)$$1/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^index.htm$ [R=301,L]
The second example only changes one URL.
(.*) and $1 work the same way here as in mod_rewrite, so you can easily change a lot of URLs with one line. The only change with redirects and mod_rewrite is the R=301 (Redirect 301).